Friday, 13 September 2019

Room One's Amazing Baking!!

Kia ora I te ao,
E tunu kai ana matou (we are doing some baking/cooking).

Heavenly White Chocolate Cookies

125 grams Butter
3/4 cup brown sugar
1 egg
1 3/4 cups self-raising flour
250 grams white chocolate chips

1. soften the butter for 15 seconds. Mix the butter and brown sugar with an electric beater.
2. Add the egg and beat until mixed.
3. Add the flour and the chocolate to the mixture and stir it with a wooden spoon until mixed. You might need to use your hands to mix.
4. Get small amounts and roll them into balls (about 1 tablespoon).
5. Put them onto a tray (lined with baking paper).
6. Use a fork to gently press the biscuits down.
7. Put them in the oven for 15 minutes.

*Pre-heat oven to 150 degrees on fan forced.

Kia pai o koutou ra!

Ka kite ano,
Room 1 @ Kawakawa Primary


  1. Kia ora Rm 1, its Ngapua. I really like how you guys learnt how to bake because cooking/baking is a really good skill to have for your life when you grow up because you know how to cook for your self.

  2. Kia ora room 1,
    My name is Ronan and I go to Ohaeawai Primary School. I liked your blog post about baking. The biscuits sound delicious. You might want to add equipment as well. At our school we do Garden to Table and we get to bake and cook things using ingredients we have grown.
    Did they taste yummy?
    From Ronan.

  3. Hi my name is Josh panmuer bridge school. I like how you cooked something
