Tuesday, 24 April 2018

Banana Split Fun!

For the last day of Term 1 we made yummy banana splits. We had fun creating our own banana splits and enjoyed devouring them. Thanks Whaea Chloe!!


Room 1's Week 11 certificates went to Mikaere and Ratu for always being responsible, resilient and respectful. We also had many Excellent Attendance awards for students that have had great attendance for Term 1.


On the last week of Term 1 we spent some time learning about the significance of ANZAC Day. We were able to learn lots of new information and understand why we have ANZAC Day every year. We are thankful that all those men and women served in the war to fight for our country! The whole School had an early ANZAC service as ANZAC Day falls during the holidays. Room 1 Made a poppy wreath, some sunset and silhouette art and create a metaphor poem about war that we read out at the service. WE WILL REMEMBER THEM.

Duffy Assembly

Jess Pawley come to present our Duffy books to us at our Duffy assembly. She had some amazing wings that she got made based around a character in her novel she wrote. They were amazing and they even opened and closed!

School Kit - Get NZ Writing

Room 1 had lots of fun 'Opening our doors to let another school in' - We shared lots of facts and information about our class and school with our buddy school - Rerewhakaaitu School in Rotorua. We explored metaphors and collaboratively created a Room 1 class metaphor poem, then our individual metaphor poems. We got to erite these on post cards to send to our buddy school. This was super fun and we can not wait to see what our buddy school sends us! Check our School Kit out....

Easter Pattern Art

Room 1 Enjoyed creating these Easter Bunnies using lines and patterns. HAPPY EASTER FROM ROOM 1 x

Kani kani with Matua Horrace!